Lisa and I completed the 24 hours of driving from NM to WI on Wednesday and are glad to be home with our family. The time home thus far has been wonderful. We have had some quality time with the family and plenty of "non-NM" weather to fulfill our appetites.
The weather has been 20ish degrees with some wind and a little snow, so running and riding has been completely different than in NM's warm weather. It has been mostly doable though. We are slowly regaining some thick, cold-weather blood.
Today I went out with my brother on mountain bikes and due to icy mountain bike trails, we ended up "playing" 27 holes of golf. Yes, we rode our bikes up and down 27 fairways, tee-box to green at two different courses. I never knew how much fun this could have been. The lightly snow covered, frozen fairways provided great resistance and "slolam" riding through trees in between fairways created a lot of variety for good times. By the end, I was ready for a warm cup of coffee.
The afternoon today was a nice treat with a tour of the Sprecher Brewery in Glendale, WI. It is a local micro brewery specializing in beer, but more importantly root beer. The fact is that their root beer out sells all their other products combined. Rightfully so, too; it is delicious! I recommend picking some up at your local grocery store.
Now, I am watching the Packers put up a valiant effort against the Patriots. It is the 2 minute warning and the Packers are driving. They need a touchdown; GO PACK GO! It has been a nice evening hanging out with the family, watching the game, eating venison bratwursts and cookies. Time to go cheer!
...and for you Matthew blog readers, check out my interview with Matthew and Lisa on my PhilCast show. It will be posted by noon Tuesday.
During the interview Matthew learns he's actually been signed on to TRS for a second year!
--Hip in Tosa
Just listened to the interview, very nice!!
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