Saturday, January 21, 2012

Nice to be Home

I am happy to say that I have returned to Girona. It is very nice to be back to what has become so normal to me. It is funny how regular it feels to me. I am really missing Lisa, but I am doing my best to occupy my time with other tasks. Obviously training is a priority, but I did take a couple days easy after training camp to recover and try to get things settled here. Of course not everything is perfect, but I am slowly getting life back in order.

It was sure nice to wake up in my own bed yesterday morning and even to a "warm" house. We have water radiator heating here, and it seems to take forever to heat things up. I don't actually know how to properly set the thermostat and everything, so that could be part of the problem. I enjoyed a very lazy morning with a delicious first attempt of The Feedzone's oatmeal. Yikes it's delicious. Then I headed out for a couple hours of pedaling and catching up with Caleb. After returning home, I spent a couple hours of the afternoon at the store doing my best to decipher the meaning of Spanish/Catalan on printers. It was definitely a bit of a struggle, but I did manage and came home with a pretty decent deal I think. Now I am just trying to finish settling in and unpacking. I'm sure I will have more stories by the time all that is done!

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