Friday, April 1, 2011

A Few Days Late!

I wanted to share a few images of what happens when I return from a weekend of racing and decide to take a rest day with my wife. Despite her dwindling sickness, she had enough energy to go out and play dress up with her husband. I was a good sport and played along. I actually sort of liked the button-up sweater because it was dressy and super comfortable. It was too expensive for my blood though. The other outfit was Lisa trying to make me look super European with the matching colors and what not. To be honest, I actually kind of dug it for the few minutes I had it on. I thought I looked pretty good in it. Take away the orange shoes and I could actually see myself wearing it. Maybe not the hat but maybe the shirt and scarf on a cool fall day.

 The last one is a minor road block that Timmy and I ran into on my last big training session before Pais Vasco. We really should have gone back, but the hill we had just come down didn't seem so inviting and once Timmy was up and halfway across, I didn't have much choice! I must say that crossing a boulder and scree slope that  has a 15 meter drop to water resevoir, while wearing cycling shoes and carrying a bike, is not my idea of being safe or smart. To the kids out there, remember I am a professional and trained to perform such stunts. Attempting such acts without proper training or adult supervision can be dangerous and life threatening! Yes funny now that it is over but not smart for partaking (sorry moms and wife). The ride was really good though despite the road block. I felt strong during my intervals, and it was fun to have Timmy to as a training partner during them. I'm looking forward to Pais Vasco! Check out for information. Peace.


Boo-Shay #1 said...

I like the hat in the first picture...the orange shirt and shoes are totally Euro, for sure. The scarf is nice though...enjoy Pais Vasco, we'll be watching intently!

Phil Cianciola said...

Photo 1: That sweather rocks. How in the world did you NOT buy that?

Photo 2: Ah yeah...try wearing that little number when you come home. Ain't gonna fly around here. You look like a cheerleader for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers football team.

--Hip in Tosa

Carson said...

Digging the orange Matt. Good choice Lisa!

DaveR said...

I rode once with Timmy Duggan after he had began to recuperate after his big accident a few years back. We won't remember me but we did go to the same high School in Boulder.

Great stories and good luck, Dave