Happy Valentine's Day everyone. Did you get your special someone their flowers or chocolate yet? I unfortunately have not yet, but that is because she woke up feeling yucky this morning. The symptoms seem similar to mine, but hopefully she is not going to get it as bad as I did. She seems to be doing ok. We have decided that we will celebrate Valentine's Day when we are both healthy!
So instead of a big dinner or exchange of presents and being sweet to each other, I left my sick wife to go for a 4 hour ride in the rain! Yes sir it was very romantic, my bike and me rolling through the countryside on peaceful, rain and mud (or possibly manure) covered roads. In all honesty, it was actually a very nice ride. The rain was very light and had stopped by the end. I did one of my favorite roads today out to Olot and then instead of completing the normal loop, I decided to come back the same road/direction and go on some of the back roads. It turned out very nice and I found a few new roads with some awesome views/surroundings. Other good notes about the ride are that the proper sensations seem to be returning. My body/legs are still a little empty, but overall the feel is coming back; that makes me very happy!
Ok, now let's talk showers. Of course after a long, rainy ride on dirty roads both the bike and the cyclist need a shower. First the bike, I don't have the set up in the apartment yet for the bike wash, but it is coming, so instead I stopped at the car wash and put in 2 euros and voilĂ , clean bike. Second comes the rider, me. Thanks to my fender set, I am only really dirty on the front from the knees down, but I am dirty! So here is the interesting part, today I got into the shower still wearing my shorts and leg warmers. It was a weird feeling. I have done shorts before because I sometimes just hand wash them, but the leg warmers adds a whole new dimension. They were so dirty though, it was easier to get in, spray off, then take off, then wash more thoroughly. That way, the mess stays in one place: down the drain!
Well, the sun is gone, the light is disappearing, I am feeling a little hungry, and I have a sick spouse to check on, so I best be going.
Showering with your gear on? Never tried that one before. Interesting. I could have tried that today. Got outside for the first time this season here. Wet and sloppy, but OUTSIDE is the point.
Hope Lisa feels better soon. Take care of her and yourself. Happy Valentine's Day. Love you 2, mom
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