Sunday, November 18, 2012

Lost but Found in Brevard

It's been a little while since I last checked in, but it hasn't been because I have nothing to write about. In fact, it has been quite the opposite. Lisa and I arrived in Brevard, NC almost two weeks ago. We were so happy to finally get to settle down for a few weeks. After weeks of travel and endless tasks, we finally would have an opportunity to relax and enjoy each other a bit. Our apartment is very classy. It is above a building in downtown and has obviously been remodeled a bit, but it has kept a lot of the old charm with some exposed brick, wood floors, and exposed studs ceiling. It is really the perfect fit for us, cozy but comfortable. We're above a coffee roaster, so we even get a little bit of that coffee shop "perfume" as a natural air freshener. Most days it is nice, but sometimes it can be overwhelming. One day they had a malfunction with their roasters and our apartment filled with smoke. That was a little unpleasant to say the least!

Despite our desire to stay put for our whole time here, we couldn't pass up the chance to go to the wedding of some good friends, Jen (Caudill) and Steven Cozza, who got married last Sunday a short 5hr drive from here in Lexington, KY. We made the drive on Sunday morning, had a great time at the wedding on Sunday evening, then returned home on Monday. It was a little bit of a whirlwind, but the night was very fun catching up with Jen and Steven, and getting to know some of their friends and family. It was a small event, but it was beautiful.

On either side of the wedding, Lisa and I have been recovering, relaxing, recharging, and enjoying ourselves. I have seen quite a bit of the countryside while road and mountain bike riding, while Lisa has been checking out the neighborhoods around Brevard on her runs. We did some mountain biking together, too, which was a good adventure as Lisa was new to it, and we were in new territory checking out new trails, finding waterfalls, and dodging some rocks and roots as we went. We'd probably do it again though if we had the choice! With our separate adventures through the country and city, it is fun to compare notes on what each other has seen that day. We've definitely found some areas of choice, but everything is still up in the air. I suppose a little explaination is needed there. With Lisa's completion of her PhD, we are now unrestricted for our housing in the US; thus, we have begun the search. Actually the search began a long time ago, but we had narrowed it down to a few select areas, and as of now, we have actually narrowed it down to basically Brevard/Asheville area. That means it is really just a matter of finding a house and taking care of everything associated with that process, which we are finding is quite a lot! As of now, we've been out to see houses one day, got a good taste of what we might want, and have another day of viewings scheduled tomorrow. There's a lot of factors on our mind as we consider our housing choices, so we have found it difficult to sort through everything. We're working on it together though, and we hope we can come up with our answer before we leave! That's about all I can think of from here. Thanks for checking in! Happy Thanksgiving (on Thursday).

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